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Do you want to bring your goals into focus?




Reflections Therapy specializes in working with youth and adults who want to explore issues around gender, sexuality, anxiety, depression, identity and personal development.


Maybe you have lived or are living through some tough times that just don’t seem to settle, or having constant worries or thoughts that you cannot calm, shake, or let go. Maybe your body is taking on a mind of its own and physically reacting regardless of your attempts to regain control. Perhaps you are struggling to find enjoyment doing things you used to love. Or maybe you’re looking for a life purpose or a reason to live, or wishing to work on personal growth to discover your full potential. It’s possible that you feel like you just don’t belong, or would be rejected if you do show your true self to others or even yourself. Maybe you’re trying to figure out who you truly are or may even be itching to come out of your shell or from behind the mask. Regardless, you’re not comfortable living like this and feel ready to create change.


When your current life is not working for you, sometimes we have to change the way we live it or perceive it, or create meaning in order to align our dreams with reality. Regardless of your concerns or struggles, I am honoured to walk alongside to support you to live the life of your dreams – the life you deserve.


Since everybody and every body is different, Reflections therapy offers various settings and styles of therapy to best suit your needs. Whether it’s sitting one-to-one in the comfort of an office or your own home, experiencing and connecting with nature, or challenging your full mental and physical potential in the great outdoors with other like-minded individuals, we can support you on your journey – no matter which path or trail your choose.






Together, we will examine problematic thinking patterns, learn skills and coping mechanisms to reduce panic attacks and better manage anxiety so you can be mentally and emotionally present.


Together, we will investigate negative thoughts and behaviours to reduce suicidal thoughts/attempts, while also instilling hope and coping with distress  so you can create and live a fulfilling life.


Together we will discover what makes you truly happy and comfortable being you, explore any internal identity struggles, and embrace what makes you you through self-acceptance and self-love.


Together we will  explore desires, attraction, love, connection and libido through a non-binary, non-cis, and non-heteronormative approach.


Together, we will deconstruct critical thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back, rebuild confidence and embrace self-worth, so you can rediscover    acceptance self- love that you can live out everyday.


Together we will explore what make you you through your strengths,  life purpose, dreams and direction while setting goals with accountability.


Angie is currently not accepting new clients at this time.

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